Thursday, July 8, 2010

OMG Books

So I decided to do some reading. OK, I have decided to read way more than humanly possible. I decided that the best way to learn about something is to read several scholarly books. And after a week at UVA and Monticello for my Gilder Lehrman seminar, I was bitten by the academic bug again. I spent WAY too much on used books and books at Monticello and Montpelier.

I am seriously considering a Ph.D now. YES, finally a Ph.D. It would be a joint Curriculum and Instruction program (I would choose History) at the University of Wisconsin. It is the only Ph.D that I have seen so far. I mean let's accept reality, an Ed.D is almost a joke in the real world. Even funnier is an M.Ed; I would know. Education is not respected and teachers are suspect. Even when some professionals see these letters they question the ability of the applicant. It is sad that teachers have lost so much respect that a degree in education is seen as a sign that you are not as well qualified as someone else. And if you decide to get a "real" degree, you are too expensive and no one can hire you. And after listened to On Point the other day, I was further depressed about my chosen profession. The world hates teachers. We are greedy and only care about our paychecks. As for benefits, I would not call my plan Cadillac by any stretch of the imagination. But why waste my time justifying? Let all those naysayers spend just one day in my classroom and they will see the reality of my profession. If they last that long that is.

I miss grad school. Online classes can never come close. There is a joy in talking to each other and discussing important topics and books. I love technology, but I know it's limits. It cannot replace real world communication. I will still read paper books, I will still visit libraries and archives, and I will never own an i anything. I will teach with notes, critical thinking, and primary sources. You know we can "go green" all we want, but technology cannot replace everything. I have seen the Matrix. I do not want that. I really feel that technology will make us stupid if we are not careful.

I better go before the pitchforks come out. Besides, close to 100 books to read in the next 7 weeks, plus those three workshops.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I am a masochist

Why? I plan on taking the World and US History Praxis II. Why? Options, I need options. And besides a license in Social Studies is like a degree in Education...completely and totally worthless. Why do you think I got a degree in History?

Before anyone calls me names, and I know you will, I am a lowly teacher after all, I spend my own money to go to conferences and I spend most of my summer take classes or participating in seminars and institutes that do not cost my district a penny. But it does make them look good that I am participating though.

I hate standardized tests (ask me what I think about the Teacher Insight bull). And this test is so broad and will cover stuff I will never teach. I am not a good test taker at all. I think too much and I obsess. I don't know how I did on the GREs. Did not take it seriously at all, but got a full ride for my real Master's, so does it really matter? Honestly, I think it is a money maker for these testing companies. They could care less about quality, all they want is the money. The one bright side is that I have taught both World and US (not econ, and I have no plan to) and since that enhances knowledge, it will help.

I have read several blogs, etc. and got nothing of use. Some said read literature and lecture notes from B&N. One said study for 4-6 months. One put down teachers who do not do well on the test. They said the same thing about teachers who took the MA test which went from practice to live in a matter of days. Therefore, it was invalid by all test measures I know. I have AP books for World and US, plus I am getting Econ for Dummies. I want that passing score the first time since failing once will pretty much brand me as an ignorant, unintelligent loser who is not qualified to mop the floor at McDonald's. Hey, that is what my SAT said and I graduated with Honors. Take that College Board.

Friday, May 7, 2010

A A A A Achoo

Well, did my Christmas trip go as planned? Of course not. Got two flu shots and then got sick. So spent it on the couch. But New Years weekend, went to Albany. Might go back this weekend and then to Hyde Park to see FDR's home. Want to see Teddy's. but that is on Long Island.

I did go back to WI in February and April. Can you say LOVE? So if I love it so much why don't I just move there? Well, have you seen the economy lately? Making such a huge move would be difficult and well pretty damn expensive. Last time I moved gas prices were half of what they are now and I moved 30 miles...this is 1100+. I would have to save quite a bit. And I have tenure here, why start all over again?

But have you been there? Ice fishing...on the Mississippi. Cool stuff at UW on Lake Mendota. The landscape is absolutely beautiful. The people are great. Taliesin. Miller Park. House on the Rock. Milwaukee Museum of Art (REAL COOL). I could go on, but I have to visit some more. Maybe when the economy gets better, or I get engaged to someone from there. So in other words, breathe not being held. Plus I would have to find a job.

Wanted to spend August there, but of course, other stuff, good stuff in the way. Maybe a week or two. Check my other blog for more details. Well that is it for now. Too much stuff to do in the am.